We have a historic opportunity to put in place policies that will shape the future of our lakes. Both Township of Muskoka Lakes (TML) and Seguin Township (Seguin) are re-writing their Official Plans. These OPs will guide land use planning and development for the next 10+ years. Boring? Maybe so. But vitally important to your enjoyment of the lakes now and for generations to come. PLEASE PARTICIPATE. |

TML is creating Policy Directions that will determine what their OP policies will look like and THEY NEED YOUR INPUT.
1. ATTEND THE VIRTUAL PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Saturday September 26th from 9:30am to noon to hear a summary of the proposed Policy Directions, ask questions and provide feedback. Participants can join the virtual public workshop in one of two ways:
Online through the Zoom App
Click https://us02web.zoom.us/
Input the Meeting ID and passcode into Zoom:
Meeting ID: 890 6106 1523
Passcode: 901782
By phone
Dial one of the following phone numbers and enter the meeting ID: 890 6106 1523
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
This is a workshop-style session that includes a brief presentation followed by interactive small group discussions. Questions, comments and feedback can be submitted before, during and after the session to [email protected].
If you plan to participate you are strongly encouraged to review the Policy Directions before the session here.
We encourage you to RSVP by email to [email protected].
2. COMPLETE THE ONLINE SURVEY here. Deadline is October 9, 2020
Hundreds of you completed TML’s Community Visioning Survey and/or attended the Visioning Session last summer. THANK YOU!
Our community sent a strong message that we want to protect what is special about Muskoka – our spectacular natural lakefront setting and the quality of our water.
Your voices were heard. Many of the Policy Directions are designed to address the community’s desire to be more protective of our environment and water quality, as well as to preserve the “view from the canoe” and natural character of Muskoka. This is all good news.
The Township is listening. We have a fabulous Council. Even if you agree with the direction our Township is taking through this OP review, adding your voice is important! We need to tell Council that we are supportive of their Policy Directions.
To simplify filling in the survey, we’ve prepared a short summary of the Policy Directions. While all policies will impact the shape of Muskoka, we’ve highlighted a few that may be of particular interest and indicated those we hope you will support.
More information is available on TML’s website.
Seguin is asking for public input into their new OP policies, and we encourage you to participate.
1. WATCH a video presentation posted on the Virtual Open House here to learn about the OP review and preliminary issues.
2. READ the Discussion Papers here to learn about Seguin’s current OP policies, and answer questions that will be used to update them.
3. SUBMIT Comments here.
A virtual public meeting may also be scheduled (it will no longer be on September 26th).
We strongly support Seguin’s Environment First Philosophy that is built into its current OP. However, Muskoka is changing, and Seguin needs your input to ensure its OP policies address current issues the way the community wants.
More information is available on Seguin’s website, where the date of future public meetings will be posted.